Soils & Materials Testing and Inspection
Soils and Materials Testing
GMU is one of only a few Southern California engineering firms to operate a complete in-house soil and paving testing laboratory. GMU also provides complete construction materials testing. GMU’s lab is certified by four different Southern California agencies and employs a complete staff of experienced, qualified, and certified technicians. Testing is provided in accordance with ASTM, Greenbook, and Caltrans standards.
Special Inspection
GMU’s special inspection team has the resources to staff all projects with experienced, certified, and professional personnel. Most of GMU’s technicians are crossed-trained and certified as both special inspectors and geotechnical engineering technicians. By having cross-trained and multi-certified inspectors as well as eliminating the “4-hour minimum” industry standard, GMU can provide the project with cost-effective services that most other firms cannot provide.
Soils Inspection/Grading Support
GMU provides comprehensive soils inspection and grading support services through all phases of grading and construction. For mass/rough grading projects, GMU has assembled field teams to observe and test all grading operations for some of the biggest grading projects in Southern California. All teams are led by both an engineering geologist and a geotechnical engineer. Field personnel includes engineering technicians, field geologists, and geotechnical laboratory technicians, many of whom have decades of experience. The entire field team is then backed up by a professional office staff of engineers and geologists who evaluate and engineer field modifications as required. In addition, a QA/QC engineer is also assigned to evaluate the field data regularly. GMU’s soils inspection continues through to precise grading and construction and includes subgrade preparation, wall backfill, expansive soil moisture conditioning, etc.
Soils Inspection
Professional Grading Support
Special Inspection
Soils and Materials Laboratory Testing
Stormwater QSP
Geotechnical Instrumentation
Construction Vibration/ Blast
GMU provides dual-trained and certified soils engineering technicians and special inspectors, enabling GMU to provide multiple inspections during the same site visit.